Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hop on the BOGO Shtick!

Our kids eat like NFL linemen.  So I'm always looking for ways to stretch my grocery dollars.  The Holy Grail of grocery shopping bargains as far as I'm concerned is the Buy One / Get One Free offer or "BOGO"

I used to take a very wait and see approach to sales like this.  I'm at the grocery store for one thing or another almost every day and if, in my wanderings, I happened upon a BOGO, I'd pounce on it.

Well not any more!  Publix (my grocery store of choice for regular shopping needs) has an iOS app that allows you to view the week's sales from the comfort of your living room.  Yes, I know you can also do this online on the computer without the iPhone but I'm a creature of convenience so this really helps.

It's not a perfect app by any means.  The reviews in the app store attest to that.  apparently some folks have problems with the app locking up and/or crashing (though I've not experienced that) and a shopping list function would be nice.  It's also annoying that it doesn't download the week's sale items for viewing offline.  You have to have an active connection to the internet.  Publix doesn't have free wifi and I'm waaayyy to cheap to spring for an iPhone with a cellular data plan so I and my iPod Touch are out of luck inside the store.

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